Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Joy Will Come

Ever wondered at the ironies of life? How is it that some people seem to really have it all going for them....and then others who have worked hard and made godly decisions have troubles, trials, and tests that seem insurmountable. Impossible. Unfair.

An orphan all alone. A wife abandoned. A child abused.
A sentance of death. A spirit crushed. A heart badly bruised.

These aren't just static descriptions...they have names and faces. We all know them and we all have questions that cannot be fully answered on this side of heaven.

But one thing I do know.

God is good. God is faithful. Joy will come.

Joy will come in the morning. Riding on the wings of the dawn.
I know. Joy will come after mourning. As surely as You are God.

Joy will come. Believe. Joy will come. Joy will come.

Joy will come like the harvest. Reaping for the tears we sow. I know.
Joy will run to the farthest place. Surely as You are God.

What is this hope I feel. It's helping. What is the peace beyond. Understanding. You fix the broken heart. There's healing in Your wings.

What is this whisper small. I'm hearing. So far above it all. It's
speaking. You're still the Sovereign Lord. There's healing in Your wings.

[Joy Will Come, Jon Egan & Mia Fieldes (c) 2009 Integrity Worship Music /ASCAP and Mia Fieldes/Shout! Publishing]

Friday, October 16, 2009


"...and having done all, to stand, stand therefore..." Ephesians 6:13

Usually, standing implies lack of movement or momentum. We want to run, walk, even crawl towards a certain destination - I, for one, want to make it somewhere today! But there comes a time when the greatest momentum comes from standing. We hit a season where forward movement serves no great purpose...where pushing for more, more, more gets us absolutely nowhere. When we've exhausted all our resources, expended all our energy, run out of ingenuity... Knocked on every door, peered in every window... But to no avail... It's time to stand, and stand, and stand, and stand some more.

How do you find yourself when you stand? Maybe you fall into a trance and lose all sense of purpose. Maybe depression sets in and hopelessness sprouts where dreams once blossomed. Or maybe you're the type that's gifted at pointing out all the reasons why, how, and because of who...

When you're in a season of standing, decide to stand with purpose! Stand with the confidence that comes from knowing with Whom you have right-standing! Stand with strength...strength that has been built up through wrestling...fighting the good fight of faith. By standing and not giving up, your standing "muscles" get stronger. And while your standing, you might as well stand in style- fully clothed in God's armor. Before long, you'll be standing in VICTORY.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We are all reaching for something. Great or small. Helpful or detrimental. Important or minuscule..."something" is drawing us, daring us to seize it in this life. A goal once attained is quickly forgotten in the light of the next goal. A mountain climbed is not as exciting the next time around. In the state of reaching the next "something" we often miss the "something" we have just presently reached. Maybe the reaching is not so much the arrival as it is the journey.

Is it possible to get a glimpse the finish the line yet enjoy the step I am taking now [though it's still way back here]?

Is it possible to hold the goal in one hand and be satisfied with today's result in the other hand [as small as it may be]?

Can I be near-sighted and far-sighted at the same time and be okay with that?

While I strive to raise godly children, maintain a peaceful home front, fine-tune my gifts and talents and be a virtuous wife...I choose to savor where I'm at today and leave the big picture long enough to notice that what I have grasped today is beautiful.

Today I will reach for what is worth my time, effort, energy and love. Then I can be sure to enjoy each moment regardless of it's appraised value in the eyes of someone else.

I will continue reaching for the prize, but not at the expense of enjoying the race.